
Storyful - Storyfy - Storytoolz - Storybird -Storyteller - Storybuilder ... Stooooop it!

Yes, it looks like we´ve got it. We´ve got this Storytelling trend or how ever you call it.
Just to pick a few:
If you search for stories you can work with

Storyful – Robert Murdochs teams promise you the "Powers Great Storytelling". If you want "the web tell a story" you should go to Storyfy. If you are an author and searches for better ressources (well ... ) go to Storytoolz. If you look for "visual storytelling for everyone" go to Storybird. There are agencies which call themselve Stories-Unlimited. And there are tools which call themselve somehow with "Story" such as Storyteller (a tool for journalists) or Storybuilder (a platform to build and share stories). There is Adobe Story (software to write scripts), Google Story Builder (a tool to create docs stories) and Amazon Storyteller (a tool to visualize your movie script). 
Ups ... and I forgot to mention Storymaps, where you can tell stories with maps.

But before you start search for stories at places such as Facebook StoriesGreen Kitchen Stories or Fat People Stories. And you want to learn from other stories so have a look into Microsoft Stories, Google Stories, Nutella Stories, Fiat 500 Urban Stories or Mazda Stories

And finally you may want to step into a story? No problem. Visit Story and &Other Stories.

Storytelling is great. But you don´t have to call it "St....".

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